Sunday, 25 February 2007

17th February - 19th February: The first signs of illness.


First I should introduce you too Phoebe, here she <<-------
Phoebe first showed signs of illness on Saturday 17th Feb (2007) though at this stage she just looked depressed, I assumed she may have eaten something that did not agree with her rather than any serious illness. By Sunday (18thFeb) she appeared to have perked up again, so I was less concerned. However on Monday (19th Feb) she seemed to have gone down hill and was quite lethargic and drinking/urinating alot. At this stage I thought that she may have a kidney infection andphoned a friend for advise, he suggested that I should get her to the vetsasap as had lost a dog to renal failure.Phoebe was now stumbling and getting dis-orientated. I phoned the vets immediatly and booked her in that day.
When the vet examined her, he informed me that Phoebe was seriously ill. she was very aneamic (her gumbs were white) and at this time he was not sure ofthe cause, though he suspected cancer or IMHA. The vet took some blood to be sent off to the lab and gave her an anti-biotic and steroid injection.
I took her home that night, she seemed so ill that I did not expect her to survive the night, this was really bad.
How Phoebe could go down hill so fast was really worrying, I would be devestated if I lost her.

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