Thursday, 15 March 2007

15th March - More positive progress!

Phoebe was at the vets again this morning for another full blood analyses. We should get these results on Monday. Her PCV is now at23.5%! This is excellent news, fingers crossed it will continue to rise.
I know it is still early days and the next few weeks will be the crucial time, but I am feeling really optimistic for Phoebe. Phoebe has now got some colour back into her gums and has so much more energy. That said, she thinks she has more energy than she actually has. She was very excited this morning jumping about and wagging her tail. Phoebe really enjoyed the interactions at the vets (apart from having blood taken!) but has been flat out snoozing since we got back home.Phoebe by her very nature is a very excitable dog, but I am trying to keep her calm where possible as I know how imperative rest is to increase the chances of recovery.
It is so good to see her making good steady progress!

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